Homebuilder Avant has submitted a planning application for a 450-house development located north of Worrygoose Lane
In February 2019, Applicants, AE Waddington, R Parkes & V Foers, worked alongside JVH Town Planning and WYG, to obtain outline planning approval, despite over 300 letters of representation being received when presented to Rotherham Council Planning Board
Earlier this week, a reserved matters application revealed a mix of detached and semi-detached housing types, with 113 of the 450 considered affordable. The mix of dwellings includes 109 1-bed, 13 2-bed, 156 3-bed, 92 4-bed and 80 5-bed.
The development will be accessed from two new junctions located off Worry Goose Lane.
Concerns regarding flood risk have been raised, but RMBC asserts that its drainage department, in collaboration with Yorkshire Water and the Environment Agency, is satisfied with a proposed attenuation tanks solution.
Conditions to the outline approval would be to contribute to road improvements needed at the nearby Worrrygoose roundabout, which includes road widening, bus lanes and new crossings.