
Cabinet Approves Taxi and Private Hire Consultation

by Admin

Members of the public, businesses and the taxi trade will be invited to have their say on proposed changes, to ensure licensed drivers, vehicles and operators working in the borough continue to be of the highest standard.

Proposed changes to the policy will focus on:

  • ‘Out of town’ vehicles and sub-contracting of fares
  • Vehicle age and emissions
  • Offences added to the list of convictions that exclude drivers
  • Vehicle testing
  • Driver application process
  • Vehicle signs

The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy was introduced by the Council in 2015 and is widely regarded as a benchmark for other local authorities.

Cllr Denise Lelliott, Cabinet member Jobs and the Local Economy, said: “Rotherham taxis and private hire cars are strongly regulated, but we’re always striving to improve vehicle and customer safety. For us to be able to do this, we need to listen to your views and make any necessary changes that will further strengthen taxi licensing for customers, drivers and operators.”

The consultation is set to open in July and will run for 12 weeks. Responses will be used to create changes to the policy, which will then go back to Cabinet for approval.

Chair of the Licensing Board, Cllr Sue Ellis, said: “I’d encourage all residents to take a look at our proposed changes and let us have their thoughts on them. It’s only by working together that we can further improve and protect our communities.”

“The Council is a beacon for good practice nationally and it’s essential that we continue to lead the way when it comes to taxi safety.”

Public drop-in sessions will be held across the borough, where people can get more information and talk about the proposed changes. A survey will also be posted to the Council website when the consultation goes live. 

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