The fire service’s governing Fire Authority has decided to increase its portion of Council Tax by £5 from April
Householders in Band D currently pay £77.58 per year for their Fire and Rescue Service, which will now rise to £82.58 per year from April- an increase of less than 10p per week.
A £5 precept rise adds about £1.8million to the service’s annual budget of around £60 million.
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue have said they facs a multi-million pound deficit in the coming years as a result of increased costs of goods, services, fuel and energy- plus the impact of nationally negotiated wage increases for its staff.
The service has previously outlined the financial risks it faces in its medium term financial plan. It will be making a commitment to find new savings in an efficiencies plan to be published next month.
However, rising utility prices and forecast wage increases are likely to add at least £4 million to the service’s annual expenditure.
Fire Authority Members made their decision on Council Tax at the fire and rescue authority meeting on Monday 20 February.