Two-way traffic has returned to Wellgate after the completion of a £3.6m cycle path scheme
The £3.6 million scheme has introduced 1.4km of dedicated cycle tracks on Wellgate between Hollowgate and Boswell Street, along with three new signalised junctions, one new road crossing, two improved road crossings and associated connecting works.
Two-way traffic has been reinstated on Wellgate, with the implementation of double yellow lines to regulate parking and the opening of the cycle lanes for public use.
Resurfacing Broom Road and painting line markings, has also concluded.
Rotherham Council has said, the finishing touches will be made to Wellgate with resurfacing to take place around the third week in January to minimise disturbance to businesses during the run up to the festive period.
The council underscores that these latest cycleway phases are aimed at establishing a secure and enjoyable cycling environment, linking evolving communities along the pathway. This initiative aims to curtail air pollution, alleviate congestion, and endorse healthier lifestyles.
To enhance safety, Clifton Roundabout and its approaches have been condensed to a single lane. This alteration aims to moderate vehicle speeds, create dedicated space for cycle tracks segregated from traffic and pedestrians, and improve the safety zones for pedestrians and cyclists navigating the roundabout.
Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and the Environment, Cllr Dominic Beck, said: “Rotherham Council is committed to promoting active travel for work and leisure purposes. This scheme encourages cycling and walking as a choice for shorter journeys.”
“Upgrading this busy route is important in meeting our goal to build a high-quality, joined-up network of cycle routes. The scheme, along with the Sheffield Road Cycle Route scheme, will create a near-continuous safe cycle route from Meadowhall through to Broom. It is our aim to extend the Meadowhall to Broom route as more funding becomes available in the future.”
Funding for this scheme has been secured by the Council through the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Active Travel Fund (ATF), Gainshare and the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS).