Plans have been approved to demolish the former bus depot on Midland Road
The former First depot, built in 1982 employed over 250 members of staff and housed 80 busses is set to be demolished after Rotherham Council approved a planning application
In 2016, the 12,000 sq ft depot had become too large for the public transport operators requirements and the company announced plans to close it.
The depot closed its doors in 2017 as First moved their operations Sheffield before transferring ownership to the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA).
The site, which has suffered break-ins, vandalism and theft site costs £160,000 a year in rates and security
Most recently, the site is believed to have been used by armed police as a training facility and was also used as a COVID-19 test centre during the pandemic.
Earlier this month, Prospect Estates Ltd submitted a planning application to Rotherham Council to determine whether prior approval is required of the method of demolition and restoration of the site which has since been granted by Rotherham Council.
Conditions for the demolition and remediation ion works include: details of the methods and means of disposal both on site and off site of the debris, shall be agreed with the Planning Authority and within 1 month of the demolition of the building, details of the restoration of the site and timescales for restoration shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.