
Police dog Reggie catches unlicensed drug driver after driving opposite way down Centenary Way

by Admin

A police dog was called in to stop an unlicensed drugged driver after a car travelled down the wrong side of the carriage way on Centenary Way this morning.

The driver with no licence and under the influence of drugs decided to drive the wrong way on the dual carriageway and then onto pavements.

Police used a โ€˜stingerโ€™ to stop the Silver Vauxall Corsa at around 1.20am this morning (27th February)

Despite having his tyres punctured by cops the driver refused to stop until he had no tyres, driving on the metal rims.

Three police vehicles were damaged as traffic cops forced the vehicle to a stop.

Passenger detained and the driver ran off and was shortly caught by a police dog.

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