
Town Centre “pocket park” plans approved by Rotherham Council

by Admin

Plans to turn the site of former Primark store into a “pocket park” have been approved by Rotherham Council

Rotherham Council bought the site in November 2020, with help from the government’s Towns Fund Accelerator programme.

Temporary planning permission has now been granted to build the landscaped park with seating areas, picnic benches and art installations

The temporary permission allows the park to remain for five years, “until apermanent built redevelopment of the site can be brought forward”.

Originally, plans included food and drink venues and a scaffolding wall feature on the site but these had to be scaled back due to increasing costs, the council said.

The pedestrian walkway connecting Snail Hill with the Crofts and Wellgate will remain.

Snail Yard’s plans form part of Rotherham’s town centre masterplan, which includes £30m-plus funding for three major housing developments at Wellgate, Westgate and Sheffield Road.

Improvements to the open spaces across College Street, Bridgegate, Howard Street and Effingham Street are also planned.

The plans form part of a plan for the town centre which includes at least £30m of funding for three major housing developments at Wellgate, Westgate and Sheffield Road, additional improvements to open spaces include College Street, Bridgegate, Howard Street and Effingham Street.

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